Image behind printed circuit board

Hallo Gemeinde.

Ich möchte bei meiner Leiterplatte (Platine) ein Bild(Muster) hinterlegen.
Momentan ist die Platine immer hellgrau hinterlegt.
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit ein Bild zu hinterlegen?


Translated in english

Hello, community.

I would like to add an image (pattern) to my printed circuit board.
At the moment, the board is always light gray.
Is there a way to put a picture behind the printed circuit board?

Thank you

Yes. Drag the core parts image icon in to the sketch then use Inspector to load an image in to it and resize it as needed like this

the load image file icon in inspector will let you load an image file.


Thanks for your answer, this ist exactly what i needed.
Ans sorry for my late answer.