im looking for this linear potentiometer breakout board ,
it seems to be fairly common on amazon. i’m designing a pcb for it , I mostly just need it to layout 4 mounting holes, and the 3 pins location so i can design the rest of the board around it?
You would be better off with the dual linear pot (not that there is a Fritzing part for that either AFAIK, there are singles in core parts.) This board won’t easily fit on a pcb. You would presumably need to run wires from the RA headers to the board which is possible but not optimal. The bare pot would mount directly to the board. You would need to find a dual linear pot part that you want to use. A google search for “dual linear slide pot” turns up a bunch of choices.
yeah it has header 90 header pins i can desolder and install straight header pins down to the board. so maybe i’ll just make a vector graphic image of this board. and temporarily import it into fritzing as a reference template. that way i can figure out where to put my
through holes in the pcb layout.
A dual gang pot would be all around easier. No second board cluttering things up and taking up space (the pots are smaller than the board) if you are making a board anyway. However your choice …
Placing 0.1in headers in the appropriate places in pcb view will provide the pads you want in pcb.