How to do curved wires

Instead straight line I want curved line for wires.
Please help me.

Left click on the wire, hold down the cntrl key and drag the wire. It will be curved rather than straight.


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That is by default. There is a per view checkbox configuration setting that controls how it works. To change it, select “Preferences” from the “Edit” menu, then the different view tabs.

When you mouse-down and drag on a wire or the leg of a part (as opposed to a connector or a bendpoint) do you want to change the curvature of the wire (or leg) or drag out a new bendpoint?

This checkbox sets the default behavior. You can switch back to the non-default behavior by holding down the Control key (Mac: Command key) when you drag.

So drag does one thing, control+drag the other, and the checkbox determines which is which.