How do I search for a specific Project?


i am still new here.
So here my question:

How do i search for Project on the Website?.
I get an enormous list of projects, but there is no search field.

Can anyone help me to explain how do I find something of my interest without having to scroll through 10.00000 projects?


Hi Jay, there is actually a search field in the upper right corner of the fritzing website (the input box with the ‘GO’ button). It’s not very smart, though, so your mileage may vary.
Some users also use tags on their project description, which you can click on to find other projects with that tag.

Hello Andre,

i had already seen this field.
But the search redirects me to Google Search.
I was expecting to stay on the webseit and recieve a search result inside it.
So i have to open every each link from google to check if its what i am searching for.

Am I doing something wrong?


That’s what I meant by “not very smart”. :slight_smile: We are indeed simply using a local Google search.