Turns out I was looking at the schematic wrong, it is in fact npn now so the adafruit part should work as is. It is available for download from:
with load instructions at:
As to making your own parts, a couple of tutorials:
If you need the pnp version (looks to be Tip125 and up) what I would do is export a copy of the adafruit tip120 use 7zip to unzip the fzpz then use Inkscape to edit the schematic svg and change the direction of the arrow on both transistors. Then save the new svg (removing the px on font size that Inkscape adds) then edit the fpz file to change the metadata to indicate the new part is PNP rather than NPN and change the part number. Then use 7zip to rezip the part for import to Fritzing. I can do it quite a bit quicker than I can type it , but if you aren’t familiar with the process and Inkscape it isn’t necessarily as simple for you (although it is a good skill to aquire, it just takes some time to learn). If you in fact need a PNP feel free to try an make it and ask if you have problems. Always happy to help people making new parts.