Horizontal momentary buttons

It is a nice feature and worth the work of adding to FritzingCheckPart (the parts file location flag is already added for checking familys against the current parts database in the new version.) I didn’t know Fritzing would do this before now, so will put this on the list of new features.

The best bet for icon is to simply change the .fzp file to use the breadboard svg. That is the normal case anyway (unless you want a separate icon for something) and saves file space in the part.

There are two problems with px. If used as the dimensions for the drawing, then Fritzing trys to guess if it is 72dpi (original Illustrator) or 90dpi (later svg standard) or the current 96dpi (although I don’t think Fritzing knows about that one.) The result of it guessing wrong is the scale of the image is incorrect in Fritzing. Inches or mm are always the same and thus are the best choice. The other place px is an issue is in font-size. Fritzing (or possibly QT the graphics under frame) wants font size without px, and if it has px in the font size will sometimes (usually after editing with parts editor) will set the font size to 0 effectively deleting all your text until you remove the px from the font size.


True, but in schematic view it is rather an annoyance instead of a dramatic error, like in PCB view.