Hologram Dash - Cellular MCU

Hologram.io’s Dash v1.1 - cellular microcontroller :slight_smile:. This is my first parts submittal so let me know if there is anything I can do better. Thanks!

Hologram-Dash.fzpz (276.5 KB)

The pins aren’t assigned properly in PCB view. You have circles in copper layer that aren’t assigned, or should be in silkscreen if they aren’t contacts.

Assuming that it uses headers to fit on a PCB, there is no top copper layer so it won’t work on 2 layer boards.

At 11:00 on this video

Do you have a datasheet, because the pins aren’t on a 100mil spacing.

Something weird with the silkscreen in Gerber export. Export to Gerber and view each layer one at a time on Gerbv

When you assign pins in SCH view use the N,S,E,W selection after you select the graphic. You want connects to connect on pin ends not the middle.

Other than that, that’s a pretty sweet BB drawing.

There are actually a few more problems than that. There is a bus on pins 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 which short pin 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 (and since 1 is +5V and 2 is gnd, I’m fairly sure this wasn’t intended and is a holdover from the cloned part :slight_smile: ). As Old_Grey noted the pcb is in rough shape, no copper1, various pins have incorrect names in the various files. I’ve cleaned most of that up, but connector30pin (the 3.3 V output) is giving me grief. It is missing its terminal entirely in pcb view and is grouped oddly compared to the others and I haven’t yet been successful in getting a configuration that works (I may just try deleting it for now to see if the rest works). If I can get a config that mostly works (the pcb is going to be difficult to fix totally without a board), I’ll post it here for you. The breadboard view is a work of art and mechanically accurate as well as far as I can see. It only needed to be aligned to the .1 grid so it lines up correctly.

(Edit: My bad, its schematic view that is missing the terminal for pin 30 not pcb).

OK, this was an interesting exercise as your part is broken in interesting ways :slight_smile: with the note that I’m not an expert at any of this (I’m just learning Fritzing part creation and know very little about svg) here is a corrected version of your part. I removed the bus elements that were shorting +5V to ground (left over from the cloned part I expect), corrected the varying references to pins (pads, terminals and pins intermixed in non functional ways), and finally found the worst error which is at pin 4 you switched from Fritzing’s one less than the pin number to the actual pin number, meaning there was no pin4 and was a pin38 which dosen’t actually exist. As well the PCB svg was so broken that I tossed it completely arnd replaced it with the pcb svg from a generic IC of 38 pins (giving the necessary number of pins in the correct groups) after removing the translates that Inkscape likes to add, so the pcb svg is in actual thousands of an inch coordinates (at least under Inkscape, I see you use something else). Two things that need to be done: schematic some of the lines are fatter than they should be as I don’t know how to manipulate paths and had to use Inkscape’s graphic manipulation which thickens some of the lines which I don’t know how to correct. It would also be better to use rectangles with rounded caps (as many of the other parts do) but I was too lazy to make that change, you may want to do so. On the pcb as noted it is currently untranslated (and you probably want to keep it that way) and should be mechanically mostly correct (assuming the breadboard view is mechanically correct which it appears to be), however all the text is missing (I was too lazy to add it in as I didn’t need it to verify the pads worked as expected) and the position of the to lipo battery pads are just a guess, so you would need to adjust their position to match that of the board (since I don’t have a board I took a guess based on the breadboard position). As well the drill holes have been adjusted from the standard .035 for an IC socket to .038 which fits the .1 headers which will fit in to the connectors on the module. Modify if desired. Comparing the svgs and fzp file from this version with your original should show you what I did (as I said I expect you know a lot more about svg than I do), but if you have questions feel free to ask and I’ll answer as best I can.

corrected_Dash.fzpz (188.8 KB)

As well as the fixes for your part, I managed to finish and post the updates to my part creation howto (which may tell you how I did some of the stuff) in