Heltec Dev Boards

Yep, the new file appears fine so all should be well.


I just wanted to say thank you for making the fritz file for the V3 module. A huge help, I wanted to ask if you could put something else together…https://www.amazon.com/Screw-Terminal-Breakout-Module-BeagleBone/dp/B08LKBKCDY.
I need this for a project and I tried to make it myself not working well any assistance would be appreciated!!

The B08LKBKCDY module looks like a lot of work, certainly for me because I have nothing like that upon which to build. @vanepp might be the man for that job… if he has the capacity…

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Thanks for the recommendation @UniquePete! @vanepp if you could please look into this it would be very much appreciated, I am very new to this software and this build would be great for a group of us using these. Thanks again!!

A part will be up in a bit.


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Thank you, I really appreciate it. Let me know if you need any additional details.

OK here is a part that should do what you want. I suppressed pcb as it doesn’t appear useful as this is a shield and it is set that if you stack it on top of a beagleboard black (the Adafruit one I believe) in breadboard it will connect to the shield in schematic (you however may not want that once you see what happens in schematic :slight_smile: .)

Screw-Terminal-Block-Breakout-Board-Module-for-BeagleBone-Black.fzpz (22.5 KB)


I really appreciate it, huge help! Looks great!

Once again, I figured this was the best place to keep adding Heltec parts. I have run this one through FritzingCheckPart.py.


Heltec WiFi Kit 32 (V3).fzpz (34.6 KB)

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Oh Jesus this is exactly what I needed! Thanks a lot!
Could you explain me where are the inkscape commands to modify the PCB part?
I only found those to modify the schematic and in the XML list I didn’t found any PCB references.

The pcb items are in the pcb svg. There are typically 3 (sometimes 4) svgs in a part, breadboard, schematic and pcb (and optionally icon, often replaced by the breadboard svg) as well as the fzp file (which ties them all together.) In this case unzipping the fzpz file gives this


the pcb svg is svg.pcb.Heltec_WiFi_Kit_32_V3_pcb.svg

which looks like this in Inkscape


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Oh gosh!
I took for granted that Schematic and PCB was all in one file, like in Fritzing…
Thanks, now it’s clear to me why I couldn’t find… what isn’t there

Parts creation takes more than a bit of getting used to. There are also interactions between the fzp file (which is XML and describes or refers to elements in the svgs) and the various svg files as well as rules for layout. It is uncomfortably complex to make parts. I believe there is ongoing development work to finish parts editor (it was incomplete when development stopped in 2016) but that hasn’t been released yet (and is a large part of the reason I don’t use parts editor!) FritzingCheckPart.py helps by checking for and flagging the common errors.
