Hello I am currently reworking a schenmatic, however I can’t seem to identify a specific part? Can anyone please help me? I’ll include the schematic and encircle the part unidentified. Thank you in advance.
Thank you vanepp, for your help. I didn’t know if you saw this but this a schematic made here on fritzing, but from what I understand it was designed here almost a decade ago, (9 years). It is a midi velocity sensing pcb matrix for anyone interested. I 'm considering doing a tutorial/project on this subject of this post get ten likes. Thank you once again vanepp.
I wonder if a column of those switches are “ganged”, so that one press actuates 4 switches in sequence, allowing the time between closures to be used to determine velocity.
Hey Micro Merlin, that is exactly how this matrix works. It was designed this way (at least to my understanding) to lessen the amount of digital i/o’s needed so it could connect to an arduino. It still needs to use shift register though. Thanks for your reply.