When I set a ground fill seed on a via/part vias like an IC that is connected to other via(s)/part vias then the traces for the connections disappear. Is it because those other vias are connected to the ground plane as well?
Thanks, Andrew
When I set a ground fill seed on a via/part vias like an IC that is connected to other via(s)/part vias then the traces for the connections disappear. Is it because those other vias are connected to the ground plane as well?
Thanks, Andrew
Your best bet is to upload the sketch (the .fzz file, upload is 7th icon from the left in the reply menu) so we can see what you are asking about.
Hi Peter,
Thanks, My sketch is attached. I did my connections on the PCB tab. I meant in the exported svg file (and gerbers) the traces disappear.
8085board1.fzz (89.3 KB)
It looks to work for me on Fritzing 1.0.4 on Win10
the gerber output displayed by gerbv looks the same to me unless I am missing something?
That said, gerber processing happens after pcb view rendering so a bug in gerber processing can produce errors in gerber output. If you are on a version of Fritzing before 1.0.4 there may be gerber bugs.
Ah! I thjnk I see the problem!
the via circled in red is isolated so it doesn’t connect to anything, no that isn’t correct, it has a trace on the bottom layer so all is still well I think.
unless there is something else I missed?
It is a good idea to route schematic as a check of your pcb layout (I see neither schematic nor breadboard are routed here) it is very easy to make mistakes in pcb view which will show up as missing connections in schematic.
If the ground fill is used, and the trace is on the ground plane (fill), it will disappear on the gerber, because it is just part of the fill area. The only indication might be at the the connection points, since the trace will still meet the connection point at the initial angle. Potentially modifying the copper right at the connection.
Thanks Peter, IC5 and IC2 have missing traces. Thanks Merlin, that makes sense, I hope it works since I already sent the boards to be made…
You should be fine I think. The missing traces have been subsumed in to the ground plane so no traces are needed the little square markers that connect to the ground plain copper make the connection.
Thanks Peter for alleviating my worries.
Have a good day, Andrew