I have la Windows 11 Snapdragon X elite machine I have in stalled C++ directly by itself ok.
After Fritzing installed failed but the fitzing install wants to install C++ again but it fails and if i ask it not to install C++ it still fails due to C++ and damages the installed C++.
Is there a install version of Fritzing that Just installs Fitzing without C++ which I already have installed
Or is fritzing not compatable with new ARM machines?
From a similar complaint here in the forums a while back I suspect this is correct. The installer needs (and contains and installs them on Intel machines). I suspect the installer doesn’t have the Arm routines. Your best bet is to open an issue here
they will likely want an installer log which can be (maybe!) obtained with this command. I don’t know if that will run on the ARM either though.
msiexec /i “C:\MyPackage\Example.msi” /L*V “C:\log\example.log”
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