I need a Fritzing Part of an ESP32 board.
Anyone interested in creating it for remuneration?
email: avoletta@brewcare.com.br
I need a Fritzing Part of an ESP32 board.
Anyone interested in creating it for remuneration?
email: avoletta@brewcare.com.br
@avoletta, Does it need to be this particular dev board? I just posted one, the ESP32S-HiLetgo ESP32S-HiLetgo Dev Boad with Pinout Template, I believe they both have the same pinout (38 pins), just the dev board in the picture is a little wider. The schematic would be the same file I would need to move a row of pins on the pcb and draw a new ESP32 dev board for the breadboard file.
This fit perfectly!
My board is also a bit wider than the standard one
(there’s only one empty line left on the breadboard and not two).
Many thanks @steelgoose
Same issue, same board. 1.5 years after original post so I figured the part is not coming and made it myself by modifying Stephen Lilley’s HiLetgo ESP-WROOM-32 ESP32 ESP-32S Development Board.
Note that the pin next to “V5” is marked GND but it’s not ground; like the HiLetgo, that pin is GPIO11.
ESP32-38PinWide.fzpz (40.3 KB)
Please correct it… It is not leaving 1 set of pins on either sides of the breadboard. I have the same 38 pin version and in breadboard it leaves two set of pins to connect male to male jumper cable. Need improves version ASAP! for my project
Buenos dĂas Jorge,
Estoy intentando encontrar el fichero para poder usar el Sparkfun ESP32 Thing en Fritzing y por ahora sin resultados. Me alegrĂł muchĂsimo ver que lo tiene en su librerĂa, pero
-no consigo encontrar el fichero exacto
-algunos de los ficheros fzpz no puedo abrirlos en Fritzing, llevan a un error de zip.open():dir%
AgradecerĂa enormemente una indicaciĂłn sobre todo referente al primer punto.
Muchas gracias de antemano y un saludo desde Suiza a Colombia
Why not make the files publicly available either here or on your github repositorty? Posting pictures of files that are not publicly available doesn’t appear to be helpful. I don’t see the Sparkfun part as a Fritzing file either on Sparkfun’s site or in a google search for “fritzing part Sparkfun ESP32 Thing”. It is easy enough to make one (at least for me) as I believe the Eagle files are available on the Sparkfun site. You are activating old threads by posting your pictures to the forum which likely isn’t helpful (especially when the parts are in fact not publicly available!) This thread had been dead for 2 years prior to your post.
The part is available in the current github repository, you have to know how to search because some are zipped and others have strange names.
But don’t worry, I’m not becoming a millionaire, because the repository is not monetized.
The official Sparkfun part is available in their github repository here (which may or may not be the one in the picture.)
for some reason they didn’t include it in the documentation as they usually do.
Your repository has a number of errors. It would be much better if the parts were corrected (and likely the .fzz and .fzbz files removed to leave a repository of .fzpz files.) This list of errors is from loading and looking at the parts in Fritzing, there may well be more errors I haven’t found. Running your parts through FritzingCheckPart.py to check them would be a good bet. Fixing the parts to meet the graphics standards would be helpful too. The originally requested esp32 thing is indeed there in the SparkFun Plus.fzbz file, but it is hard to locate if you don’t know what a .fzbz file is and does (and that is likely why the original poster couldn’t find it.)
parts with errors (part name followed by errors in the part)
Bluetooth HC-05.fzpz schematic and pcb both incorrect connectors not defined
Bluetooth HC-06(1).fzpz schematic and pcb both incorrect connectors not defined
CIKU.fzpz schematic and pcb both incorrect schematic mirrors breadboard and pcb has no connectors defined.
DHT11 basic temperature-humidity sensor .fzpz schematic is a header not a proper schematic.
DHT22 temperature-humidity sensor.fzpz schematic is a header not a proper schematic.
Fluke 17B+ DIGITAL MULTIMETER.fzpz schematic is a header, should be a voltmeter with probes pcb should be suppressed.
Generic 4x4 Keypad.fzpz schematic has connector misdefinitions (red square), pcb has one too many pads.
Generic male header - 3 pins.fzpz schemaic and pcb have connector misdefinitions (red square)
Getriebemotor.fzpz missing schematic and pcb
Jtron 1 Channel Optoisolated Relay Module .fzpz schemaic and pcb have connector misdefinitions (red square)
KEYPAD 4x4.fzpz breadboard is not on the 0.1in grid, shematic no terminalIds not on 0.1in grid, pcb no connectors
KY-006 Passive Buzzer Module.fzpz breadboard middle pin lacks a terminalId, schematic same,
Keypad Membran 4x4.fzpz schematic needs switches added. pcb connector misdefinition (red square)
LCD Keypad Shield.fzpz schematic needs larger font size and color on labels,
LCD2004-I2C.fzpz parallel interface pins could be enabled (only I2C at present)
LED Matrix 8x8.fzpz pcb has no silkscreen outline.
Matrix LED de 8x8 basada en MAX7219.fzpz schematic is wrong, for a seven segment display, pcb also (doesn’t match bb)
Mikrobus_Prototype_Board.fzpz schematic has connector problems (red rectangle)
Mod DIP v2.0.fzpz schematic has connector problems (red rectangle), pcb as well.
Mod DISP.fzpz pcb lacks a silkscreen outline.
NXP MK20DX256VLH7.fzpz breadboard needs a SMD carrier, schematic isn’t on the 0.1in grid, pcb lacks a silkscreen
Rasberry Pi NIOR Camera.fzpz breadboard only (no connectors) schematic and pcb should be suprressed.
Raspberry-Pi-4B-4.fzpz Is already in core parts and thus won’t load. Redundant now.
SIM800L BO.fzpz schematic doesn’t align to 0.1in grid, pcb lacks silkscreen outline.
SK18B.fzpz schematic is a copy of bb not a schematic, pcb has no connectors defined
SK28A.fzpz schematic is a copy of bb not a schematic, pcb has no connectors defined
SK40C R2.fzpz schematic is a copy of bb not a schematic, pcb has no connectors defined
SKPIC32.fzpz schematic is a copy of bb not a schematic, pcb has no connectors defined
SKds40A.fzpz schematic is a copy of bb not a schematic, pcb has no connectors defined
Sensor Obstaculos.fzpz already in core parts as fc-51 so won’t load. redundant.
SparkFun Plus.fzbz Lots of sparkfun parts (including the requested Sparkfun ESP32 Thing would be better
off as individual .fzpz files I expect.
TI196-p.fzpz replacing schematic with the new pot schematic would be desirable.
Teensy 4.1.fzpz pcb lacks silkscreen outline of board.
USB_3.1_typeC_usb_connector.fzpz breadboard should be a connector not an IC
custom_light_bulb.fzpz schematic shouldn’t be a led neither should pcb
mcu8266.fzpz breadboard has too few pins compared to schematic and pcb.
multimeter-improved.fzpz already in core parts so won’t load redundant.
nokia_lcd_5110.fzpz schematic pins undefined (red square) same in pcb.
The one who seeks, finds.
I will be updating the repository with more parts, which is a collection, that is, the parts are not made by me.
You have to try to correct them, but thanks for taking the time to review them one by one.
Then, my opinion, your collection should be links instead of copies. That way there is a chance that the original can be found and repaired.
A collection that includes so many broken parts, without any warning about the extreme variation in quality, does not seem like a service to the community.
Some of my parts, that are already included in your collection @jorgechacblogspot, are licensed under the CC 4.0 BY-SA, and the BY part (attribution) isn’t anywhere to be found, not to mention that you are including obsolete parts or, worse, only Fritzing files (*.fzz
) instead of the actual parts.
I second @microMerlin’s opinion about the weak service to the community and, although I can see possible good intentions here, what you’re doing is NOT OK.
Thanks to all who took time to reply and to help me so quickly , really appreciated!
What a great community!
You are right, the forum should be closed.
it is fair and necessary.