Fritzing part for HLK-20M15 Hi-Link 15V 20W AC to DC Power Supply Module

Needed fz part for HLK-20M15 Hi-Link 15V 20W AC to DC Power Supply Module.
The image is like this
HLK-20M15 Hi-Link 15V 20W AC to DC Power Supply Module buy online at Low Price in India -
Data sheet :

This part may do what you want. It is made from this datasheet

which is a different size from the one referenced in your datasheet which says in the dimensions table that it is 56mm32mm (which matches the datasheet above.) But the outline drawing is 46.9mm27.8mm with the pins in different places. So you need to print out the pcb footprint at 1:1 scale and compare it to a real part before ordering boards (since your supplied datasheet appears to be wrong!)

HLK-20M15.fzpz (6.7 KB)


Thanks for the part
It works as expected