Font issues when creating a new part

Two suggestions there: first the problem is your font definition in the svg is wrong. It needs to be ‘Droid Sans’ rather than font-family: Droid Sans. The lack of quotes likely gives Fritzing Droid as the font family due to the space in the name without the quotes. The second suggestion is (assuming you are using Inkscape!) use Randy’s schematic extension available here:

although it is apparently currently having problems on Inkscape 1.4 on Linux (works fine on Windows10 for me though!) Randy is working on a fix. As well you have a few problems (that if you only want schematic you may not care about.) Your svg is missing the layerId schematic as a group that contains the entire svg like this

(circled in green on the left.) Without that your part won’t export as an image. As well you don’t have all pins defined in breadboard and pcb so you get the red rectangles in those views

Assuming you are using parts editor, when you save a part it should appear in the mine parts bin like this:

empty mine parts bin

create and save a part in parts editor


and it writes the part to the mine parts bin.

In practice the files (in repository format not .fzpz format!) are stored in the user directories which vary by operating system in the documents directories


c:\Users\username\My Documents\Fritzing (where username is your windows id)





the various parts are in subdirectories under these directories. The fzp file is in parts/user and the svg files are in


The only place I know of that being available is in the Inspector window (by part)

Hope this helps.
