HI just install 1.0.2 version of Fritzing and when I try simulated I have this message : Fritzing caught an exeption from simulationButton in event 3: bad function call, and Fritzing closed.
Windows 10
A+ Daniel
HI just install 1.0.2 version of Fritzing and when I try simulated I have this message : Fritzing caught an exeption from simulationButton in event 3: bad function call, and Fritzing closed.
Windows 10
A+ Daniel
You would likely need to upload the sketch you were using (the .fzz file, upload is 7th icon from the left in the reply menu) for the simulation to see if someone else can reproduce it. That also means the sequence of commands you used to start the simulation.
Are you in macOS? If so, what version?
Do the simulation examples work?
I, too, am getting this error.
I just installed Fritzing on my Debian 12+ (Bookworm/Sid) Dell laptop with “sudo aptitude install fritzing”, fired it up, and opened File | Open Example | Simulator | Basic Circuits | LED, and when I click on “Simulation” from the “Breadboard” or the “Schematic” tab, the above-mentioned error pops up. Dismissing the error pop-up also causes Fritzing to close (crash?) after about 3 or 5 seconds.
kent@westk-9463:~$ fritzing --version
Fritzing 1.0.1rc.2024-03-31.debian/1.0.1-1+b4
kent@westk-9463:~$ fritzing
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
qt.qpa.wayland: setGrabPopup called with a parent, QtWaylandClient::QWaylandXdgSurface(0x557fbff109b0) which does not match the current topmost grabbing popup, QtWaylandClient::QWaylandXdgSurface(0x557fbb1305c0) According to the xdg-shell protocol, this is not allowed. The wayland QPA plugin is currently handling it by setting the parent to the topmost grabbing popup. Note, however, that this may cause positioning errors and popups closing unxpectedly because xdg-shell mandate that child popups close before parents
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate()
Netlist: Simulator Netlist
VCC1 2 0 DC 3V
R1 1 2 35
*Typ RED,GREEN,YELLOW,AMBER GaAs LED: Vf=2.1V Vr=4V If=40mA trr=3uS
.MODEL LED_GENERIC D (IS=93.1P RS=42M N=4.61 BV=4 IBV=10U CJO=2.97P VJ=.75 M=.333 TT=4.32U)
.options savecurrents
*.TRAN 1ms 100ms
Running LoadNetlist:
“notify QToolButton 3”
Aborted (core dumped)
I will try with X11 and Cinnamon instead of Wayland/Plasma/KDE.
Same error with X11/Cinnamon and with X11/Gnome.
On Cinnamon/X11:
kent@westk-9463:~$ fritzing
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
Netlist: Simulator Netlist
R1 1 2 35
VCC1 2 0 DC 3V
*Typ RED,GREEN,YELLOW,AMBER GaAs LED: Vf=2.1V Vr=4V If=40mA trr=3uS
.MODEL LED_GENERIC D (IS=93.1P RS=42M N=4.61 BV=4 IBV=10U CJO=2.97P VJ=.75 M=.333 TT=4.32U)
.options savecurrents
*.TRAN 1ms 100ms
Running LoadNetlist:
“notify QToolButton 3”
Aborted (core dumped)
On Cinnamon/X11, I also tried the “Button” and the “How to Use a Multimeter” sims with the same pop-up error.
Older Fritzing version (although that shouldn’t necessarily matter) I’d advise downloading the appimage from Fritzing.org (which will be Fritzing 1.0.3, the latest version) and try that.
This seems to indicate that there is an exception thrown. Most likely is a problem when calling ngspice, which is a shared library that we use to simulate the circuits. I think that there is an error in that build (e.g., wrong version of ngspice or nspice not found). The examples should work. Are you using the official build? If not, I would contact the packagers and report the error.
Try the latest version of Fritzing? Sometimes bugs are fixed in newer releases, so check the official website or repository for updates.
Good advise, but he is using an OS repository with an older (and possibly misconfigured) installation, so he needs to get the repository updated which may not be easy.
Yes, vanepp, my Debian repository does have an older version.
So I thought I’d give your suggestion a try. I went to https://fritzing.org, then the Download menu item, which asked me to “Pay & Download”. I do not want to pay for a product that may or may not work, and that I may or may not use.
So I tried https://github.com, and searched for “fritzing”, and get a " Whoa there! You have exceeded a secondary rate limit." page.
I have no idea what that means, but I’m guessing it thinks I’ve been using github all morning or something (I haven’t).
That was with Firefox (129.0.2 64-bit). So I gave Chromium a try. That gets me somewhere.
So I go into “fritzing/fritzing-app”, and then click on the green “Code” button, and select “Download ZIP”. I download it into a temporary directory on my Debian box, and cd into that directory and “unzip fritzing-app-develop.zip”, which creates a fritzing-app-develop directory, into which I cd.
There, the “INSTALL.txt” file says that in order to start Fritzing, “try ./Fritzing in your shell window”. So without changing directories, I try “./Fritzing”. There is no such file. So do an “ls”, and find that there is a “Fritzing.sh”. So I try that (“/.Fritzing.sh”), and get “./Fritzing.sh: 17: /home/westk/OneDrive/projects/C/FRITZING/fritzing-app-develop/lib/Fritzing: not found”.
So I “less Fritzing.sh” to see if maybe I can make sense of the file, and it’s simple enough to see that it’s expecting a “lib” directory, apparently in the current directory? But there is no “lib” directory in this current directory. So I edit the “Fritzing.sh” file, adding an ‘echo "dirname = $dirname’ line just after dirname gets set, and rerun the script, and get this output:
westk@westkent:~/OneDrive/projects/C/FRITZING/fritzing-app-develop$ ./Fritzing.sh
dirname = /home/westk/OneDrive/projects/C/FRITZING/fritzing-app-develop
./Fritzing.sh: 18: /home/westk/OneDrive/projects/C/FRITZING/fritzing-app-develop/lib/Fritzing: not found
(which makes me realize the dirname was already spelled out in the error message, duh).
So it seems that the program’s “INSTALL.txt” file is wrong, and/or its startup script is wrong, or something.
At any rate, I can’t run the Debian version because of the original error message, and I can’t run the most recent official version (assuming the one on github is the most recent official version) because it doesn’t work as it says it should work.
You have downloaded the source code from GitHub. You need to compile it, which is a complex process if you are not a developer.
I would report the error to the debian packagers as they could fix it.
Since the same error is happening for a Windows 10 user (see first post in this thread), it seems unlikely to be related to the OS on which the program is running.
But as you suggest, I’ll consider making a Debian bug report against the Fritzing package.
In the first message, we do not know if it was a official Fritzing release or if he used the examples.
I would ask other Debian users or packagers if they can reproduce your error.
For me on Win10 with Fritzing 1.0.3 the simulator example works fine with no complaints.
The same is true on Mint 21.3 using the Fritzing 1.0.3 appimage (I didn’t try the version in the repository and used the multimeter example rather than the LED) indicating the problem is vary likely in the distribution. There have been problems in the past (years ago …) where the parts repository was not updated when the code was. That may (or may not) be the problem here.