Working on a project involving the Keyestudio I/O board for Espressif ESP32. Despite quite a few searches I have been unable to find any I/O shield for this board as a fritzing part to modify, does anyone have or know of one that’s available online?
Did look at doing it myself but quickly realised my total lack of skills with graphics programs is the limiting factor, did look at the tutorials and tried Inkscape but its over my head.
It didn’t exist, I made the part from the product web page. In general a google search of the form “fritzing part esp32 I/O shield” will find a part if there is one online.
I isn’t clear to me that this is going to be useful for anything. It appears to be for a series of specific boards from a single supplier (DORHEA) which don’t appear to have Fritzing parts. As far as I can see something like the ESP32-C3-DevKitM-1 (which there is a Fritzing part for) would fit, but not work as the pin out seems to be different. This set of boards: B086MJGFVV B086MLNH7N B086MGH7JV ; B0B18JQF16 B0B18MCYFH B0B18NK2MS are listed as compatible with this board, but I don’t see Fritzing parts for any of them. I am not particularly interested in making boards for any or all of them (although you are welcome to if you wish, and learning to make them should enable you to also make this!)
While I will probably regret this in the future, since breadboard was already finished when I discovered there is nothing to plug in to this, I chose to complete schematic (there is no pcb) to make this part. I don’t expect it will be very useful because as noted there isn’t any matching cpu to plug in to it, it now exists.