Hi Guys, I’m new on Fritzing, I come from using Proteus 8.3, Livewire and PCB Wizard, so I come form really old school designing programs. When I created a SVG file in Adobe Ilustrator and in Inskape, I have trouble uploading it to the New Part Editors .
The error message I always get when trying to upload my SVG is the following:
Error reading file /var/folders/yn/95jsbn852wb3bwgnlymlktzc0000gp/T/fritzing_pe_5d695f756b1a85e6f473bca467a4fbb5/MQ-4_5d695f756b1a85e6f473bca467a4fbb5_1.fzp: unable to create renderer for svg /Users/admin/.config/Fritzing/parts/svg/user/breadboard/MQ-4_5d695f756b1a85e6f473bca467a4fbb5_1_breadboard.svg
I have battled my way out on creating a MQ-4 Smoke Sensor for Arduino, based on a MQ-3 that is already uploaded to the Fritzing libraries, but I’m unable to proceed thanks to the error I get uploading the SVG.
Hi, I had used both, Inkscape and Ilustrator CC , I save the images as Plain SVG and SVG Tiny 1.2 in Ilustrator, but as soon I upload the image to Fritzing, it throws the same error and suddenly closes my Fritzing Window.
I’m starting to believe there is an error when you use Adobe Ai CC and save the SVG for Frtizing use. Im trying to open a SVG y downloaded and try to use the Pain SVG save option from Inkscape, so be aware of the results
Kind of understand the problem, I think that saving the SVG with Adobe Ai CC gives the problem, maybe something in the format isn’t compatible with Fritzing, or something strange is going on with that , What I’m doing is using a SVG that I download from a Tutorial and using Inkscape to make the modifications so I can use the edit the part
Hi, im trying to create a custom pcb shape but i kep getting an error that says unable to render the file. It is saves as SVG tiny 1.2 and created with Adobe Illustrator cc 2015. Can you look at it and tell me whats the problem
Thanks alot. I can upload the board to fritzing now but the size is of. Also can you tell me what i did wrong that prevented it from uploading in the first place?
@sammichael25 I discovered that a couple of weeks ago, before creating any custom component you have to make sure to use appropiate scales so when you upload the SVG to Fritzing you don’t have problems on rendering the image. My mistake was that I started working on the normal enviroment of Adobe Ai(Letter Size) and then cropped the artwork area. That is the cause of the error to appear.
All I did was import your drawing into CorelDraw. It was that size when I started. I duplicated silkscreen and named it silkscreen0, (silkscreen is the top layer and silkscreen0 is the bottom layer). I then renamed you polygon ID in the board layer to “boardoutline”. and then exported it.
You can compare the two svg’s in notepad++ to see the difference between them and what it should looke like.
Here’s how to workaround with Illustrator CC.
First, save file as SVG tiny 1.2 format.
Secondly, open saved SVG file with text editor and it will be looking like this.
Thanks to @chidea’s lead, I’ve found a definitive solution.
Adobe Illustrator CC has an option (enabled by default) to save SVG as “responsive” (that is, scalable in web pages).
Just click on the “More Options” button on the Save pane, while saving as a Tiny 1.2 SVG, and deselect “responsive”. Then the file will load correctly with Fritzing without the need to edit it.