Eagle to Fritzing

There already is such a program called Eagle2Fritzing. It requires that you have a development environment for Fritzing up and working to build Eagle2Fritzing. You then run Eagle2Frtizing against the .brd file and it will (with some work) generate a Fritzing part. The original code is on the Fritzing site, but you are probably better to use the fork on Adafruit as has been worked on more recently.


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The part file itself will be .fzpz. That is actually a renamed .zip file which contains several .svg files and a single .fzp file. The .fzp file is the metadata.

For the details of what goes into the .fzp file, see “FZP Format” in Part File Format. Some is required, some optional.

Eagle2Fritzing can create functional fzpz files, but it is a good idea to do some testing. FritzingCheckPart is a python based tool that can also help verify some of the technical details.

If you are trying to convert an Eaglecad drawing to a Fritzing sketch, that is a (much) bigger job. All of the “parts” in the eagle document would need to be converted (or mapped) to Fritzing parts first, then combined back together into a .fzz file. .fzz is another .zip file containing the actual .fz sketch, plus all of the part information for anything that is not included in the core parts. I have not seen documentation for how a .fz file is put together. It (like .fzp) is an xml document, but the content structure seems to be only in the Fritzing code.

Thank You so much for the detailed reply

Thank You so much for the detailed reply.
I would like to ask one more query

After creating the fritzing file how do i create a separate tab for my company in fritzing software where anyone can use our company fritzing files?

For “anyone” to use it, a pull request will be needed for the core parts library repository, to add a company_name.fzb file with (optionally) an associated png icon files. See files in fritzing-parts/bins/more for samples.

For your own use, to create a bin for your self, the “Parts” window has a dropdown menu with an option to create a new bin. That bin can be exported. The exported bin could be published in the forum (or elsewhere) for anyone to download and import. To work, the parts in the bin also need to exist either in the core parts library, or loaded from fzpz files.

So the parts need to be created, added to a bin file, and either published or merged into the core parts. See downloading the Fritzing library from github and links from there for how AdaFruit has done it.

Not all of the company specific parts need to be in the fzb file. Parts in the same family can be used by adding any one of them to a sketch, then using inspector to switch to other parts in the same family. Assuming the parts have matching properties with different values.

Eagle2Fritzing only does about half the job, it requires a lot of (undocumented as far as I know) editing to get to a usable part. I’d suggest doing a first part and post the part (the .fzpz file) here and one or more of us will check it out for you. As well this part tutorial series may help since it points you at the part standards documentation as well as modifies the part via editing the files (which is required to use Eagle2Fritzing successfully.)


Hello Merlin,

I am almost created my fzb file which includes 5 projects. Now i want to publish in to fritzing so that any outsider can download our fritzing files.
May i know the standard flow or process how to do that?
I also want to add my company logo in fritzing

Please help me to add our fritzing files with fritzing.

If you publish the .fzpz files for your 5 projects one of us will look them over and point out problems. When the files are uploaded here they are available to the general public for download. To get your parts (and your bin) added to core parts in Fritzing you need to make a pull request against the frtizing-parts repository on github at which point if the parts meet the QA standards they will be added to core parts.


I have not explored this, but I believe it is also possible to upload a .fzb file that others can download and import to get the whole bin in their local environment. That is one of the ways to use the Adafruit parts.

As Peter says, in all cases, the parts should be run through some quality control before being widely distributed. There are several situations where parts look good in Fritzing, seem to work just fine, but then break in specific cases. A common problem is not exporting properly as an svg file.

Thank you all for the detailed information. now i got some idea how fritzing works.

I have one query which is…
If there are multiple grounds (GND pins) in the schematic view how to assign graphics for each pins?
when i try to give select graphics for second GND pins it will disable the first GND pin i have assigned.

I assume this is parts editor? I rarely use it because it isn’t completed and has a lot of limitations. You likely need to edit the schematic svg with Inkscape (or another svg editor) and assign the pins and terminalIds there. Grounds are usually part of a bus, and a bus can only have a single connection in schematic. So the usual answer to bused pins is to create them on top of one another in schematic so there is only one ground pin. It is also possible (which I do sometimes) to make individual pins for each ground (for instance when schematic matches the layout of breadboard which I often do.) Then you need to remember the limitation because schematic won’t let you make a second connection to an already connected part (the wire won’t connect when you drag it.)


Or (initially) assign the extras as GND1, GND2, etc. Then create a bus entry to tie them together in the fzp file. While in the fzp file, you could also edit the descriptions for the connectors. There can be multiple connectors with a description of “GND”, though the names are “supposed” to be unique. A sample I saw awhile back prompted some testing, so duplicate names “SEEM” to work (in version 0.9.4), even if parts editor rejects it.

Thank You peter and merlin

Another query

suppose I save my svgs and fzpz file as for example “Mithundesign” while I start my project. and once I completed and do the zip format to get the fzp file , I get something different naming’s.
may I know the reason or is that ok to continue?

“Mithundesign” this is my fzpz file naming exported from fritzing, and once i zip it
to get fzp file i get the files namings as

part.Mithundesign_f06aeb558af50aed7822ebbd80a8ec0d_2.fzp &


The parts editor is adding the “f06aeb558af50aed7822ebbd80a8ec0d” to make the file name unique (it is based partly on time as I recall.) All files in the parts repository must have unique names (even imported ones) and this ensures that is true. You can manually edit the files to remove this (which is usually done by the parts maintainer when the part is added to core parts) as long as you ensure the filename is unique in the Fritzing-parts repository.


Thank you Peter.

Is there any way to edit the connector ID in fritzing tool.
I have copied an existing one and edited but now its show like the connector ID is started from 28 instead of 1. I could not edit it in the tool.
anyway to edit it or update it without effecting my project?

I assume you are using parts editor, which tends to do things like this (I don’t normally use it.) As well connectors should start from 0 (not 1) although parts editor may do that conversion internally. I don’t know that you can fix it from parts editor but you can edit the .fzp file and change the xml . This is a connector entry in the fzp file.

<connector id="connector0" name="pin1" type="male">
      <p layer="breadboard" svgId="connector0pin" terminalId="connector0terminal"/>
      <p layer="schematic" svgId="connector0pin" terminalId="connector0terminal"/>
      <p layer="copper0" svgId="connector0pin"/>
      <p layer="copper1" svgId="connector0pin"/>

To change the pin number you need to change all instances of “connector0” to the new pin number. You then need to change the pin numbers in each of the svg files as well, since the fzp pin number needs to match the pin in the fzp file (I assume that parts editor can and probably did, edit both of them.) Hopefully someone that uses parts editor regularly will have an answer that works in parts editor.


Thank You

Actually i am spending lots of time in lnkscape for schematic view for arranging the connectors and connector terminals and texts. because there are lots of unwanted connectors are appeared during the conversion.
What i have done was converted the eagle brd files to svg files.

how do i overcome this. because i dont want to spend lots time in editing the schematic svg.

I don’t know of a way to do this. The conversion is picking up “connections” which in Eagle is also ICs and other internal parts where Fritzing only wants the connectors (not the ICs or passive components.) There isn’t currently a way to do this that I know of in Eagle2Fritizing so you have to manually delete the connectors for ICs and passive components (as well as add breadboard view images for the parts that aren’t in the “and” file which I usually do manually as well rather than update the “and” file) but that is still a lot easier than making the part from scratch. There is also a lot of editing required in the fzp file as well since Fritzing prefers that the pin numbers be in order and eagle2fritzing usually leaves them out of order because of the extra connectors being deleted. I have some python scripts that will help with that by rearranging pin numbers in svgs but they are still too crude for general release yet as I have to modify the python code to change the behavior to match the what the current file needs. I haven’t yet figured out how to do that from the command line yet

edit: For schematic I usually ignore the eagle2fritzing schematic and create a new one from either the templates here:

or lately via Randy’s Inkscape extension here:

because the eagle2fritzing schematic is the wrong scale, wrong colors and has pins which are the old style .2in long rather than the current .1in long (which both of the above use!)


Thank You for valuable support and the information.

may I ask, Is there any other PCB design tool that can convert in to svg file format or
Is it possible to convert a PCB design file directly to a fritzing file?