Drawing wire problem

I created a breadboard with Gemma and Neopixels. When i clicked on a pin i could pull a wire either from the Gemma pins to Neopixel or in the reverse order.
In a new sketch using the small breadboard, Gemma, and red 5mm led I cannot draw a wire from either direction between the Gemma and the breadboard.

Also tried using the Breadboard wire from the parts menu. It will only move with the arrow keys. I cannot drag it. The drop down let me select bend point but i could not bend it. Cannot be moved from pin on breadboard.
I am on a Surface pro 3.
What is going on? Do i have to lock parts before drawing wires?

Hmm, maybe that’s an issue with the Surface Pro? What kind of input modality are you using (touchpad, touchscreen, pen)?
Also try some parts from the core library, like the resistor, since it could also be caused by the Adafruit parts (though unlikely).