In some sense (with the warning it is currently incorrect, I’m working on a new improved version) you can see how I’m doing it in my post in beginners:
the worst error is the advise to save as optimized svg, turns out that breaks gerber production. In fact you should use plain svg as recommended (but you have to post process if using Inkscape). In any case I have a test version of what I think your device should look like. Please try it out and point out errors in pin numbering or
placement on any view and we will see if I understood what you told me (I have some doubts that I did ).
(edit:) Indeed a google search of the part indicates I misunderstood, the pins are on the top of the display not backwards. This new attempt should do mostly what you want (the breadboard view looks more like a real Nokia than the Helltec, but the pins are in the right place and I think named correctly). The holes in PCB view are set to .038in so as to take standard .1 connectors if you want to plug the device in to somewhere. I don’t have one (unlike the Nokia which I will post later) and thus can’t put in the mounting holes or board outline.
Please try this one and see if it does what you need. I just replaced this with a slightly (removed the px from the font commands!) version …
(edit: This part turns out to be wrong and has been deleted and replaced by a new version below)