Disconnect between schematic and breadboard view

Hey kind folks. Fritzing newby so be gentle.

I’m laying our a wiring schematic to help me hooking a raspberry pi to some stepper motors. So not looking to cut a circuit board or anything - just trying to keep my wiring straight. I’m getting a difference between the wiring in the schematic view and the wiring that shows up in the breadboard view. in the following two images you can see that A+ is connected in the schematic but doesn’t appear in breadboard. In addition there are rogue wires going from the steppers to other odd locations in different spots in my circuit.

I believe I connected all wires in schematic and just assumed it would cleanly populate over to the breadboard view - what am I missing or doing wrong?


I created parts for the motor driver and in the schematic view it connected cleanly to the stepper: But when I switch over to the breadboard views - suddenly some wires are missing and it’s added other wires in unexpected places.

It is hard to say from images. Your best bet is to upload the sketch (the .fzz file, upload is 7th icon from the left in the reply menu) which gives us the sketch to look at. That said it is possible (depending on your Fritzing version) that your sketch has routing database corruption. It has been around for over 10 years, but I only managed to recreate it (which allowed the developers to fix it!) a couple of years ago. I think the fixes went in to Fritzing 1.01 or 1.02. If the sketch is corrupted it is usually easier to start again although there are less severe things that sometimes work (such as deleting all connections in all views which isn’t necessarily all that easy.)
