Give it a whirl and let me know if there are any issues.
part.DFR0071_39d20aedb9775cd606776a8eac2e6e2c_3.fzp (5.1 KB)
First issue is this isn’t a complete part, just the fpz file (no svgs). you need to right click on the part in the mine parts bin and select export part to export and post an fzpz file of the complete part.
I was sure I did.
I’ll try it again.
Looks good over all, a couple of minor problems though. The pcb svg needs a copper1 group which contains the existing copper0 group and the pads under it, and in breadboard the breadboard group needs to move up to the top level with all the connectors and other stuff under it. Other than that it looks fine.
Thank you, vanepp.
I did notice the copper1 group was missing. I used a generic ic from the core parts and changed it to 6-pin inline and exported it to get the pcb footprint. The copper layer groups became unassigned when that svg was ungrouped in Inkscape. It just slipped my mind to add the copper1 group back in. That has been resolved.
For the breadboard view… Could you indicate which line in the svg the group needs to be placed under ?? I’m still trying to understand all this, so please be patient with me.
Glad to know those were the only two issues so far. I’ll update the part this evening and send it back up the pipeline.
Thanks again.
No problem, I’ve been at this for about 6 months and am still learning (and bugging the more experienced folks in here for help ). Its in all our interest to encourage anyone willing and able to make parts to succeed as we need more parts. While I think you are already well beyond my tutorial Old_Grey’s may help you some:
Now to the current issue. The only thing I know this may break is the export of the part as an svg. Fritzing is pretty tolerant of missing breadboard and schematic groups on import (export is another matter ). Here is what I did to create the part below: in xml editor open g49 then g51 which exposes group breadboard click on breadboard to highlight it and hit unindent node (top of the xml editor toolbar) twice to get it in to root at the same level as all the other groups.then either drag it or use raise node (also on the xm leditor tool bar) to get it above group g19. then indent node once for groups g19 g24 g29 g34 g39 g44 and g49 to move them under breadboard. You do after doing all this (which I didn’t ) need to check that translates haven’t moved the image around with the regrouping and made it wrong and correct that if it has.
(edit:) Two things I forgot: to fix up copper1 and remove pxs from the svgs. To fix copper1 in the pcb svg in xml editor click on group pcb and then id and change the pcb to copper1 and hit set then click on silkscreen and unindent node (to get it out from under copper1 and back to the same level as copper1) and you are away. Then use a text editor (I used vi under cygwin) to remove all the instances of px in the svgs. I did this with the vi command 1,$s/px//g. This is a nasty one, the file imports to Fritzing fine, and often even lets you edit it with parts editor once, but on the second time the pxs cause Fritzing to set all the font sizes to 0 and your text becomes unreadable.
DFR0071 SD Module_bb_fixed.fzpz (65.6 KB)
Thank you, vanepp.
Pardon… But I need to re-read your post here a few times to let it all sink in.
As far as all the groups (gxxx) are concerned…
I realize I was in the development stage of this, and as a beginner… trial-and-error, simply didn’t give those groups a proper name. There is still a good bit more detail work to do to name them properly. (I’m just not happy with generic names gxxx names… They need to be named appropriately. But, that’s just me).
This is a learning experience for me. Please bear with me. I thought I had Inkscape page set to inches and not pixels, but maybe not.
As far as the fonts are concerned, I have seen success in any font and any font size a person wants… Just have to click the text object to select it, then on Inkscape’s top menu, click Path->Object to Path. It appears to be maintained when importing into Fritzing. However, it’s no longer an editable “text object” after that.
On the breadboard view…
I saw the connector1… nodes. They weren’t even being used… Must have been left over from starting with the generic IC. Deleted those nodes and so far I see no side effects.
Thanks again. I like the software… Just a learning curve.
Me too I like to put in meaningful group names, Inkscape likes to sometimes put in nests of group names and then moving them causes it to use translate (which essentially changes the coordinate system locally) which I dislike. So far I find the best bet is to ungroup everything make all the changes you are going to (and delete any translates that may preexist from other packages / parts you started from and deal with the fallout, removing the transforms will often move the part around and may change its size).
You probably did have inches set, but when saved Inkscape switches to px and the CSS standard apparently calls for fonts to be in px, but Fritzing doesn’t like it. There is an unfortunate mismatch in standards here, Frtizing is supporting the svg tiny subset (with extensions) and in some places accepts CSS type style commands but in others (bendable legs being the notable one I know) doesn’t, so you have to manually modify the svg to make Fritzing happy. I too am still learning about parts making (or as I like to call it parts creation hell ) and it is complex and poorly documented.
While Fritzing may accept any fonts (it may also silently convert them to the two it wants), I tend to use the ones in the
graphics standards doc
The parts file format is also very useful
The two fonts are available on the main web site to download and install as well.
Ah, my bad, I didn’t look to see if they were your connectors, just assumed they were. You are probably right they were left over from the generic IC and likely would be ignored. There is for sure a learning curve and its steep, but there are a number of very skilled people in here who will help out so keep asking questions, we all learn from them.
OHH !!!
New version of Inkscape has been released !!
Downloaded it, but haven’t tried it, yet
One of the “features” is changing the pixels-per-inch to more closely match CSS standards.
Wonder what new issues this will this bring up ??
Thanks again, vanepp !
Yes someone else mentioned that the latest Inkscape is changing from 90 px to the inch to 93to the inch to match the CSS standard. I’d suggest keeping a copy of Inkscape 0.91 in reserve as I expect Fritzing may break with the new version.
I’ve been running INK 9.2 for a couple of months and haven’t noticed anything, except that it’s better. It still has some bugs though - the biggest one is you can’t have more than 1 window with it’s XML editor open at once or it gets mixed up.
I put 1" into the grid and switched it to px, and it says 96px.
I guess someone has to make a part with pins 0.500" apart and check the Gerber.
Looking at the drill.txt, with 8 holes at 1" spacing in the svg, and it’s 1" in the drill too. Looks like it only matters if you use px dimension to draw.
I believe I have this part all cleaned up, now.
All groups in breadboard view have been properly named, connectors in schematic view have been shortened a little and the missing copper1 group in pcb view fixed.
Give it one last whirl and add it to the collection if you think it’s OK.
DFR0071 SD Module.fzpz (68.8 KB)
Looks fine to me so I guess we will see if anyone else sees anything I missed