I’m a beginner struggling with the “connection not routed” issue ! The suggested connections don’t make sense to me. Can anyone explain ?
Thank you
Untitled Sketch - Copie.fzz (18.3 KB)
This is relatively easy. You have a short from power to ground in pcb which is reflecting in to the other two views (as well as being incorrect!)
the rats nest lines circled in red indicate a connection in another view that doesn’t have a wire in this view.
same in schematic
this is likely the cause. I assume the header is the battery connection which is shorted as is the resistor. These two connections will reflect in to the other two views. Here I did a routing->select all traces then hit the delete key in both breadboard and pcb to clear all traces (as schematic appears to be correct!)
this results in rats nest lines for the connections in schematic appearing in breadboard and pcb. If you click on a rats nest line then route it the circuit should them work.
note the rats nest lines that shorted the battery and resistor are now gone in schematic as the short in pcb was removed.
again clicking on the rats nest lines in pcb and routing them correctly (or using autoroute although it typically does a poor job) should route them correctly.
Thank you very much !! very clear answer
the rats nest lines circled in red indicate a connection in another view that doesn’t have a wire in this view
I didn’t know, it seems obvious now… I messed with PCB and autorouting without knowing all views are codependent. I thought something was incorrect in schematic instead.