Compiling error ui_fabuploaddialog.h

Hi everyone,

When trying to compile fritzing I get the following error in Qt Creator

dependent ‘D:\Install\fritzing\debug64\ui_fabuploaddialog.h’ does not exist.

I can’t find a reference of this file on google. Did anyone encounter this error?
I would add that it is my first try in compiling fritzing.

Windows 10
Qt Creator 5.0.2
Desktop Qt 5.12.11 MSVC2017 64bit
cmake version 3.21.3
libgit2 compile with
cmake … -G “Visual Studio 14 2015” -A x64 -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF -DBUILD_CLAR=OFF

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards,


While I haven’t compiled from source in a couple of years, my guess is that you are using the development head source and there is a missing .h file. Try moving back to one of the release points (0.9.6 for instance) and compiling that.


I am having the same issue. Trying multiple versions of the fritzing app, libgit2 and qt creator. Do anyone knows the answer?

I experienced the same problem, but managed to get the file. It is probably not the most efficient way, but it worked for me:

  1. In the file C:\Fritzing\fritzing-app\src\dialogs\fabuploaddialog.cpp, I commented out the second line:
    //#include “ui_fabuploaddialog.h”
  2. And built it again, the build failed but it did create the file ui_fabuploaddialog.h in the folder C:\Fritzing\debug64
  3. Copied the file ui_fabuploaddialog.h to the folder C:\Fritzing\fritzing-app
  4. Restored the file C:\Fritzing\fritzing-app\src\dialogs\fabuploaddialog.cpp, i.e. uncommented the second line.
  5. Built again, and it worked this time.




Thanks for the answer! But what are the software versions (i.e. the versions of fritzing, libgit2, qt, boost, VS and etc.) did you use to get your successful build?

I built Fritzing version 0.9.9, using the following software:
Visual Studio 2019
QT 5.15.2
Python 3.9.4
Git 2.31.1
CMake 3.21.1
Boost 1.75.0
libgit2 v1.1.0

Earlier this year I built v 0.9.6 with the same suite of software/versions. I was also able to build 0.9.6 with VS 2017 and QT 5.12.7, remaining software/versions as per the list above.

Note that using VS2019 and 5.15.2 needs some tweaking of the file “\fritzing-app\tools\release_fritzing.bat” . If you use VS 2017 and QT 5.12.7, the file works as is.

I hope this help.


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Hello, I tried following your instructions and I was able to run Fritzing x64 using qt creator. However, when I tried to build using VS 2019 developer console I was only able to build the x86 version not the x64 one. The error code is descripted in the attached image. My machine’s architecture x64 and i used boost 1.7.7, libgit 1.30 and python 3.9.4 for my sucessful x86 build. Do you have any insight on how to solve this issue? Thank you very much for the help!

@BurneDCorposE, unfortunately, I don’t think I will be able to help you much, I only built it using qt creator. I never had to use VS developer console. However, looking at your snapshot, it looks like the VS environment may be set up for a x86 build which would create some conflicts. Sorry, cannot help you much more.

It was related to what you said. I tried with the native x64 command prompt for VS2019 and the same error occurred. So, as another measure I tried uninstalling the x86 msvc2019 compiler from my Qt installation and then it worked. It was probably some bug with the .bat script that used the wrong compiler version. Thanks for all the help!

Hi! I also got the same error while compiling. I found that the header files can be generated from the Makefile by manually running the compiler_uic_make_all target.

Therefore, the workaround I have is to go to your build directory (mine is build-phoenix-Desktop_Qt_5_12_12_MSVC2017_64bit-Debug) and invoke jom.exe on Makefile.Debug:

C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom\jom.exe -f Makefile.Debug compiler_uic_make_all

I would still like to figure out why the build isn’t automatically generating those headers or where it was broken.

Windows 10
Qt Creator 6.0.1
Desktop Qt 5.12.12 MSVC2017 64bit
cmake version 3.12.18081601-MSVC_2

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