I tried it myself but I just don’t have the ability to do it. I would like the EPN32 UWB and I know that the eagle2fritzing might be able to do it. If there is someone, who has everything set up and working, could try to make this part I would be so grateful.
I could do it for you if you’re not in a hurry for the part. Providing more information would be most helpful.
A mechanical drawing of the part would be like really helpful, and a listing of the pinouts would be absolutely needed.
I’m a novice Ki-Cad user and I was able to open the gerber files, which I could use to get measurements from, but it’s easier if there is a mechanical drawing of the part. Using Ki-Cad to open the eagle .brd & .sch files give me errors in Ki-Cad, so I can’t access the pinouts information.
If you can supply that info and can wait a couple of days, I’ll make it for you…