Done a basic Jumper Shunt …
See here : GitHub - Bantum-Works/Jumper-Shunts: Simple Jumper Shunts ...
Requires some coding / correction to make work in actual program but.
( missing the link between pins to make fully functional )
Any pointers / assistance would be greatly appreciated …
Cheers, Bantum …
I had a quick look at the github information.
Are these maybe what you were aiming at? I created these for use with an Arduino shield that could be configured with jumper settings. Also for a breadboard power supply part that could put either 3.3, 5V, or nothing on either of the breadboard power rails.
shorting_jumper_female_black.fzpz (2.2 KB)
shorting_jumper_female_blue.fzpz (2.2 KB)
I thought I had already published these, but a search did not locate them.
Sort of, had a quick look at them & they don’t have any schematic or PCB.
I might of missed the bit where they ‘connect’ - will need to make it work in either case.
Thanks, Bantum …
They act as a wire, so placing one between 2 pins on breadboard view should create a ratsnest wire in schematic view, and PCB.