AZDelivery 2 Kanal Relais Modul 5V DC Solid State Relais Low Level Trigger Power Switch

does anyone have this part in fritzing or something that works the same?
AZDelivery 2 Kanal Relais Modul 5V DC Solid State Relais Low Level Trigger Power Switch


This part should do what you want.

2channel-solid-state-relay-module.fzpz (13.8 KB)

Note while it has pcb view it is somewhat odd. Due to the screw terminals the control pins end in pads (and the load pins don’t appear in pcb at all.) The intent is that a wire should be soldered in to the pad and run to the screw terminal on the module. As well the mounting holes are not drilled by default. To get mounting holes you need to drag a hole from core parts/pcb in to the sketch then set the size appropriately like this:

Then move the hole over the hole in silkscreen and a hole will be drilled in the pcb.


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