ATMega32u4 TQFP - There is no package with a 44 pin layout

Try as I might I cant find a 44 pin TQFP package. only a QFN. Has anyone else had the same problem. Surely I don’t need to alter or make a part.

Advice gratefully received.

I have since found another post,

That states if you search for tqfp44 there is a dsp chip with the right foot print.

So there is one, and it can be used with some modification to create a pcb layout. However you need to edit the SVGs if you want a coherent schematic layout to work. But that said to create a pcb its fine, you can edit the pin labels to reflect the ATmega32u4 and draw your pcb layout.


There is a part for the Atmel ATMEGA32u4 but the package footprint is a qfn44. SO mix and match for a tqfp44 part. This is as simple as importing the schematic from the already existing ATMEGA32u4. Then verify the pin-outs. Just make sure you pull the .PDF for this chip from ATMEL’s website. Then double check and make sure the pin-out is a match via Atmel’s PDF. I’d be willing to bet the ranch it is the same. So with a quick change-a-roo, You should be set in schematic mode and PCB layout mode.

Please consider submitting this new part footprint for the TQFP44 ATMega32u4, should you take the time to swap these out. and verify it’s viability. THANKS!!!

Good luck!

Good call, In frustration I drew the pcb with the QFN package at first just to learn Fritzing software. The pinout is indeed the same, minus the centre pad.

I shall endeavour to submit the complete part for all to use.

Thank you for taking the time to respond.

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