ATmega32 dip part submittal

Thanks much. I’ve set the label to µC. I noticed the package was pdpi. I changed that to dip. I’m thinking that’s what it should be.

Bus is named GND and the two ground connector sections above in the file are now labeled GND1 and GND2. I think that matters but not sure.

If i drag two of them into the breadboard view i see the inspector has them as µC1 and µC2 respectively.

Do i need the variant property?

I would say no. Some of the documentation says it should be there, but as far as I have been able to determine, it is only needed when there is nothing else in the properties to differentiate from other parts. This has plenty of properties which should keep this unique from other parts, so variant serves no purpose. I would say the same for layer. I do not see what that property is useful for.

I use an xml aware text editor, instead of Inkscape.

Which one are you using? What are other good one for PCB designs?

The editor I Use for Kotlin and c#,cpp developments I doubt I can use them for PCB layouts.

For xml, I use Visual Studio Code (free, cross platform). It (or actually the plugin) knows nothing about PCB layouts. Just the general rules for xml elements, tags, attributes. It will usually highlight syntax errors, and help get them right, you have to use your own knowledge of what a Fritzing fzp or svg should look like. Like coding a web page in raw html (which technically is also xml).

If you don’t have the layer property, something (I don’t remember the exact details at the moment) breaks in pcb view with through hole parts. I’ll see if I have the details on what breaks (it should be easy for me to reproduce I think.)


if/once confirmed, that should be added to FritzingPartCheck. Complain if needed properties are missing. Also need a documentation index someplace of the reasons the reported cases are a problem.

Yes to both. If the layer property is missing, at least (there may be more I haven’t found yet) the top/bottom of the pcb in Inspector gets greyed out and you can’t move the part to the bottom of the board. It is on the list to be added to check part and the explaination will go in the error message list to tell you why this is an error.
