Hello, I am new to this medium, I don’t know much but I need to integrate a drip irrigation system with two Arduino elements and a watermark 200ss sensor to be able to create the drip irrigation system. Does anyone know anything about this topic that could help me?
hola soy nuevo en este medio no conosco mucho pero necesito integrar un sistema de riego por goteo con dos elementos Arduino y un sensor watermark 200ss para poder realizar el sistema de riego por goteo. alguien sabe algo sobre este tema que me pueda ayudar
I expect you don’t have enough experience to do this successfully. You would likely be better to buy the sensor controller rather than try to use the Arduino. Specifically this
which indicates you need (unspecified!) isolation between the grounds of all the sensors in use. This is not simple to provide since you presumably need to get a linear signal (with appropriate linearity) through the isolator. There are sensor isolators available (there are even Fritzing parts for at least one of them) but they may or may not work with this device as they are for other vendors sensors. Your best bet would be to get a solution that would connect to the arduino from the vendor that does the necessary isolation such as the WEM8 unit above (or something else with an analog output suitable for the Arduino) rather than try and design this for yourself.