Arduino R4 Minima

Someone on github requested a Arduino R4 Minima so here is a part.

Arduino-R4-Minima.fzpz (30.6 KB)



Excellent, thank you very much, in the same thread I want to ask: is there also the Arduino UNO R4 WiFi part?

I’m working on it.


Thanks for the part.

I used the Arduino R4 Minima part in the project documentation and also in a book project.
Unfortunately the part ist pretty dark (PCB color).

May I ask you for a brighter version in order to receive better contrast between PCB and pin header.

Thanks :slight_smile:

That is easy enough to do, but the current breadboard matches the actual part like this

This part has a lighter (if inaccurate) breadboard

Arduino-R4-Minima-light-bb.fzpz (30.7 KB)


Thanks for your quick service :slight_smile:

hi, I use Arduino Uno R4 Minima Compatible, this is a remake from an unknown brand (Nologo). It is similar to uno R4 minima but has more sockets. Can you help me draw a .fzpz file?

Probably, with a web site for the board that details the physical dimensions. I don’t immediately see such a site with a google search though.


Never mind. I found a site using the google image search and your image above. A part will be up in a while.


This part should do what you want. Pcb view has been suppressed as not useful (all boards I have seen come with headers so won’t mount on a pcb.)

Arduino-Uno-R4-Minima-Compatible.fzpz (47.9 KB)
