App error that can't load my .fz file

Hi i downlaoded fritzing for linux , and i want to open an .fz file that contains my board schematic, it gives me an eror : Captură de ecran din 2025 01 27 00 20 20 — Postimages , i made a screenshot . I tried to open the .fz file with FlexBVFree and it works , i opened the file with Boardviewer in windows and it works as well , why i canot open the file with fritzing?

Because an fz file is one part of a .fzz file which contains the necessary svgs and other data to load a sketch. You are trying to load something that is not a sketch. The .fzz file is a zip file which a .fz file is not (it is uncompressed xml and is contained in the .fzz file.) You need to find the .fzz file for the sketch and load that.
