Anyone got a VS1838B Infrared Sensor Part?


Looking for this exact part and not an Infrared Module.

Not looking for a module?

That linked datasheet IS a module.

thanks, just updated the link my mistake

There are images on Goo for “VS1838B fritzing”, but it’s too hard for me to go to every site looking for it. It kinda looks like FZ’s TSOP312 with a cage and symmetrical pins.

It looks familiar, like Vanepp made one, so you might have to wait for him.

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This should do the job. It is a modification of the ir receiver in core parts (which has a .2in pitch on one of the leads.

tl1838.fzpz (4.9 KB)


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Found another one, looks a little better.
vs1838b.fzpz (5.1 KB)

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This may work.
