Add MQ135 to frtizing

Hi all
I need to add MQ135 to frtizing, since I use it for a school project. I’ve searched for it, but only an MQ for MQ3, 4, 6 and 7.
Thanks a lot

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Welcome aboard! A google search for “fritzing part mq135” turns up a variety of hits (mostly projects.) If you download the .fzz file for the project you should find the mq135 part in the temp parts bin of the .fzz file. Right clicking on the part and selecting export part will save a copy of the part for later use.


Saya mendapatkan file fzz, tapi tidak bisa di ekspor ke fritzing. apakah ada cara tertentu untuk mengEkspor?

If you load the .fzz file in to Fritzing

the parts will be in the temp parts bin on the left (circled in green here.) To export the part right click on the part in the temp parts bin and select export part:


That will write the .fzpz file for the part to the file system which will then allow you to use the part in other sketches.

via google translate:

Jika Anda memuat file .fzz ke Fritzing

part akan berada di temp parts bin di sebelah kiri (dilingkari hijau di sini.) Untuk mengekspor part klik kanan pada part di temp parts bin dan pilih export part:


Itu akan menulis file .fzpz untuk bagian tersebut ke sistem file yang kemudian memungkinkan Anda untuk menggunakan bagian tersebut dalam sketsa lain.
