Part request TO252 DPAK MOSFET

I’m looking for a generic TO252 / DPAK part.

Specifically for AOD4185, but a generic will work for me.


At a quick look the generic dpac (search for mosfet and select basic FET pchannel and one of the cases available in Inspector is dpak which looks to be about the right spacing.) If it doesn’t suit and I’ll create a part from that that fits.


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Sorry for the delay, didn’t get the email notification about your reply :roll_eyes:

As for the part, it is shown as a TO220

Yes it shows as TO220 in breadboard, but the footprint in pcb is smd. It is hard to show smd parts in breadboard, the usual answer is a carrier board that converts from smd to dip to get the .1 in spacing breadboard uses.


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