Necessity is the mother of invention. I just created the part. This was my first Fritzing part so it may not be perfect but I tried to be as accurate as possible with the dimensions (especially in the PCB view). Still, your mileage may vary.
I thought this sounded familiar try the one in here someone cut a board and discovered the mounting holes are too small and I fixed it for him. Don’t know if it worked or not though.
I’ve buyed a PCB with this part and effectivly the whole are to small.
Vanep give me a new part in the post above and this one seems to be correct. For the moment, i’ve not ordered the new PCB but, when i print the PDF pcb, the holes arent correct !
When you print a pdf of the new part the holes aren’t correct? If so in what way are they incorrect? The new part looks correct to me as a gerber in gerbv. The hole is .035 (which is I believe what you wanted) and the pad spacing seems to match the drawing above i.e. 5.011mm between the narrow pads 15.38mm between the wide pads and 29.3878 mm between the two pad sets taking the x y coords from the drill.txt file and converting from thou to millimeters. I haven’t used the pdf conversion so I don’t know how that works.
What is its model number? A search for HLK-PM01 comes up with the current part from 2018 not this layout. It is easy enough to make a new part, but a reference to where it can be found is necessary,
This should do what you want. As always before ordering boards print out the pcb footprint at 1:1 and check it against a real part. As well there are two holes shown in the diagram above that are currently only on silkscreen. The picture of the module shows no holes there, but if they are needed you can drag a hole from core parts over the hole in the silkscreen to drill the holes (they won’t be drilled by default!)
Thanks for the part. However, the dimensions are not totally correct. At least with my part AC-05-3 bought recently at AZ-Delivery the distances between AC and DC are a little too big compared to the real part. I corrected this for the PCB. AC-05-3.fzpz (6.1 KB)
Your part appears to match the data sheet on AZ-delivery, and I don’t appear to have kept whatever data sheet I used (although it should have been the data sheet posted.) It is possible I just made an error that wasn’t caught at the time as my part is 1mm larger than it should be which may be the result of a typo.