Changing the color of LED

Howdy all?

I have just started using Fritzing and I was wondering how can I change the color of the standard LED that comes with Fritzing?
I have searched everywhere and could not find anywhere how I can do that.
Any help is greatly appreciated.


You change it in the Inspector - bottom right box.

Got it. Thanks!
I have found this answer somewhere else. However I did not know where the inspector is. I googled it and now I can change the colors of all items.

Actually ,the led color is changed by the led color in the luamirnare. There are two(Tunable white) or four (RGB/W) different group LED , change each one output current will change mixture of color.

I figure it out. You must use the “inspector” to be able to change the color of the LED.

Where’s the inspector? Can anyone share a screenshot?

Thanks! I found it by google.

cela ne marche plus avec cette nouvelle version

It appears to be working as expected on Fritzing 0.9.9 (the latest version) on Win10. Drag a red led from core parts in to the sketch then click on it to select the part.

then Inspector (on the lower right of the screen) change the color from red to green.and the led in breadboard changes color.

Note you can not change the color of the led in the parts bin it must be in a sketch before it can be changed by Inspector.


via google translate:

Il semble fonctionner comme prévu sur Fritzing 0.9.9 (la dernière version) sur Win10. Faites glisser une LED rouge des pièces principales vers l’esquisse, puis cliquez dessus pour sélectionner la pièce.

puis l’inspecteur (en bas à droite de l’écran) change la couleur du rouge au vert. Et la led de la maquette change de couleur.

Notez que vous ne pouvez pas changer la couleur de la led dans le bac de pièces, elle doit être dans un croquis avant qu’elle puisse être modifiée par l’inspecteur.