Auto-Color for wires from length


i would recommend to color the wires in breadboard view depending on their length. So when i build the board up physically I can grab the right wires from start.
There should be a table in settings or an xml to define the colors. My set of breakout wires for example has the following colors. (

2 - blank (silver)
3 - red
4 - orange
5 - yellow
6 - green
7 - blue
8 - purple
9 - grey
10 - white
11 - brown
21 - red
31 - orange
41 - yellow
51 - green


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There’s an option for this in 0.9.4, released last month. (View > Color Breadboard Wires By Length) It only goes up to 11 on your scale. Colors for 1-11 are pretty well standardized, so there is no setting to define the colors, but they are exactly the ones you asked for.

wow that sounds useful, though I seldom used breadboard