VL53L5CX Sensor Part Request

Hello everyone,

I am currently working on my bachelor thesis and I am trying to create a picture of my experimental setup in Fritzing. For this I need an Image of the sensor described below. It´s not necessary that the part is actually working I just need to be able to connect the pins to a microcontroller. I couldn´t find any existing parts online and I also couldn´t find any .svg files for the sensor.

Could someone maybe help me create this part? :slightly_smiling_face:
Thx a lot!

Name of the part
VL53L5CX Time of Flight Sensor

Previous work, similar parts

Top view


This part should do what you want. Note the QWIIC connectors do not appear in pcb as they can’t be connected to except by the connectors (they are in breadboard and schematic.)

sparkfun-sen18642.fzpz (7.6 KB)


Thank you very much! That’s a huge help.