Check the xml for the font definitions in the svg file. If the output from Fritzing is specifiying OCRA (as it is in my case), then it is the svg editor’s problem if it is substituting wrong fonts. Inkscape appears to do it correctly. Your other problems as noted have work arounds. If you check parts you want to use with and correct (and post for other people to use the corrected part!) you do it once and the part in your mine parts bin should then be fine. Exporting as an svg should fix the rasterization if Friting is doing the pdf export as a jpg. It adds one step to convert the svg to pdf in something like Inkscape. There is a fix (some 6000 commits, so a major rewrite) of both image export and gerber export in the source repository from 2016 or so. We tried it out in 2018 or so, but it had serious problems in gerber export and the authors didn’t repond at all to requests for help or suggestions (to be fair it was 2 or 3 years after they gave up …) so it got backed out. Perhaps (although I have seen no evidence of it so far) someone will take an interest and try and fix it. Until someone does (either the paid team or a volunteer) the workarounds are all we have.
Mine too, but there is little choice. About 0.1% of the people downloading Fritzing were making donations. Development died and Fritzing was dying (as the support libraries became too old with no new release to update them) because no one was volunteering to make fixes (still aren’t.) As noted the code base is too complex (and undocumented) for easy modification, the only way forward we can see is paid developers. That (despite the complaints) is working, as there have so far been 0.9.4 (a test the new tool chain with 6 or so fixes from the last 4 years), 0.9.6 with more new fixes (by a paid developer) and hopefully soon 0.9.7 and onwards with more fixes. I would rather have the pay wall and Fritzing releases than no paywall and no Fritzing, no website and no forum (all are being paid for by the pay wall!) Well there could have been Fritzing for me, because I can build from source and fix what I need, but not for anyone else.