Power header ratsnesting positive to negative

It looks like you have caused routing database corruption. Typically that happens because you made incorrect changes in another view that caused shorts and the shorts remain when the bad connection is removed. We have never been able to reproduce this problem to fix it, and the usual answer is to start the drawing again from scratch and complete one view completely (such as the current case with breadboard which looks correct.) Then do the other two views by clicking on the rats nest lines and routing them (as they show where Fritzing thinks the connection should go.) That avoids making wiring errors that may lead to database corruption. If you click on a pin all connections to that pin will light yellow. In breadboard all seems fine, there is no power to ground short:

here only the power wires light yellow, ground does not indicating no short. In pcb the opposite is true (which indicates routing database corruption because the views should be the same!)

there are a lot of unexpected shorts. Doing Routing->select all wires in breadboard and then hitting delete does not cure the problem (but there are still wires connected because of the resistors.) Usually if you remove all the connections the routing database will reset leaving you with the components ready to wire, but that doesn’t happen in this case. Several other oddnesses (none of them necessarily wrong!) the leds appear to really be a pin header (presumably because we don’t appear to have a re/green LED part which surprises me!) which shouldn’t be an issue. In pcb the chips are shown as on top of the board as is usual:

but the resistors are both SMD and on the bottom of the board (by default they are on the top!) Again this isn’t necessarily incorrect and not the cause of this problem, but it is unusual although there may be a reason for it.

I’m afraid your best bet is to start the sketch again from scratch, and wire breadboard to match the current layout and see if that corrects pcb (which it should!)


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