Part request: 5 way tactile switch 10x10mm

A google search of the form “fritzing part 5 way joystick” turns up some hits, if none of them are suitable a custom part would need to be made.


The search you suggest take me here and is the best i’ve found. I’m pretty sure a custom part has to be done…
I’m very new to fritzing and i’ve a lot to learn and i’m totally not expert of inkscape and vectorial graphic so i’m trying to find some help :slight_smile:
I’ve take a look to your guide for build custom part and i admit to be scared :slight_smile:

This part should do what you want. Before ordering boads print the pcb footprint out at 1:1 scale and compare it to a real part.

JOYSTICK_10mm-tht.fzpz (5.9 KB)


Thank you, it seems exactly what i need.
As soon as i receive the real one i’ll check and give you a feedback. I hope one day to be good enough to make part myself to help other people.