EDIT: Never mind… I found a similar file. The SVG are extremity complex. It looks like it imports into Inkscape in different units, increments, and formulas… I never understood the complexity of SVG formats. Here is some “basic” information for sorting it all out; Coordinate Systems, Transformations and Units — SVG 2
I don’t have this problem in CorelDraw… I can change the units and precision on the fly…
EDIT AGAIN: There is a way to set the drill hole size to 0.035" in Inkscape: First, open the dialog box “Fill and Stroke”, and click the tab “Stroke style”, set the units to Inches and width to 0.020". Now go the the tool bar and set the units to inches and the width and height to 0.075". Shazam!.. The outside diameter of the circle including the stroke-width minus the stroke-width x 2… leaves you the inside of the circle (drill size). CorelDraw is a little different, the toolbar dimensions are the actual dimensions of the circle and the stroke-width is in a separate window…
Thanks for both. My head hurts from just reading the standard document but it confirms what I suspected, that the transform statements describe modifications to the coordinate system, if not why anyone would want to let alone do so as in this case. For my purposes I think the way to get Inkscape to do it for me is going to be the way to go. Since I’m going to be modifying xml in a script anyway perhaps I’ll see if I can figure out how to transform an Inkscape trans text output in to xml that Fritzing will accept (that being why I used the mini part instead of the generic IC pcb.svg) to avoid using such svgs in future.
Are we having fun yet??? The transform statement is generated by the graphics editor when an element has been altered from its original orientation. In a through hole connector, with original orientation, the connectors in FZ PCB View will have the multicolored red halo. If I rotate it, a transform statement will be generated and the connector will only have a red dot in the center.
As for the SVG format, what ever unit the .svg file is in (in, mm, px…) that will be the unit throughout the rest of the document unless the unit is specified. If I import a .svg file into Inkscape that is in inches, then the dimensions in the XML editor are in inches… If I start a new document in Inkscape, it defaults to pixels (px), and the dimensions in the XML editor are in pixels. I don’t know if there is a way to set the default units or change the units in the Inkscape XML editor or not.
Yes! At least I am having fun , better yet I’m both learning and making progress. I think I can set default units in Inkscape in the preferences.xml file (or via edit->preferences) although some things remain in px. The good news is that I kept a copy of the broken voltmeter part (or more correctly an unbroken voltmeter part that I know how to break!) and have reproduced the change to style that breaks bendable leads. I also can manually edit the file to return the style statement to plain xml and have the modified svg work again in Frtizing and thus can get perl to do the same thing when post processing the Inkscape svgs saved as plain svg. That seems at the moment the easier of the two possible changes (this one or using optimised svg and trying to reinstate the optimized out data back in to the pins). We will see if that remains the case! Assuming I can get this working then there will need to be major changes to the create howto document in the never ending stream of work, but parts creation will get a little easier and more documented …
I asked someone about text and this is what I got, which would explain the default px.
FWIW, this may go back to the way units are handled in Inkscape, svg and css. AIUI, svg does not require explicit unit identifiers (e.g. px) but css does… so to be css compliant, Inkscape adds the identifier. ( I could be way off on this, maybe a dev can chime in.)
There was a point I think, when setting the text units in preferences also wrote the selected unit identifier in the xml (e.g. pt), but that was in a development build.
Ever since I fixed my icons in Ink’s XML Editor the File/Document Properties/Default Units change is more global. Basically everything changes except stroke.
The only way I could change default units was use a template.
In theory yes, that’s why they are in parts submit. With the note I’m relatively new to Fritzing, the in theory is because it seems to me (but not to some of the folks that have been here longer) that development has stopped. There haven’t been any commits since July to either source or the parts repository and there are parts pulls outstanding…