Lbr2svg for converting Eagle Part to Fritzing SVG's

This has been a bust. Installed the QT, re-downloaded the files and I get nothing but errors.

I’ll give things a rest for a bit.

I wanted a part once, but didn’t know how to make it for FZ because there are no comprehensive instructions for new parts. It actually took so long to work out how to convert to FZ - PDF to svg to FZ - that it would have been quicker if I leant Inkscape and just drew it from scratch.

If you are an Inkscape expert you can make parts very quick, then you just have to make them conform to FZ XML requirements.

Yes the joys of QT. I am sure it is good but seems to me to be far too clever for its own good. I lost the executable lbr2svg going to Ubuntu 14.04. So to get it back I did the following ( Not sure what I needed to do but this worked for me )
Installed qtcreator: sudo apt-get install qtcreator.
Tried adding QT += widgets to the pro file - still had errors missing xml errors so sudo apt-get install libqt5xmlpatterns5-dev
Then qmake followed by make.

So basically google for the errors. lbr2svg was created with QT4 and there are issues with QT5 that need to be got round.

I have put both executables in a dropbox directory. Not sure if they will work standalone but give it a try

Thanks for the link. I’ll give them ago.