Install 0.9.6 on Linux

Version 0.9.8 is out as an appimage, which should work for you.

I have been using the 0.9.6 flatpak version for sometime on Fedora 30 through 34. As I recall, there was a glitch when saving that required the full sketch file name on save. The bare (IE “my sketch”) did not work. The file suffix was needed (“my sketch.fzz”). Same thing if exporting a part. Include the .fzpz suffix.

The flatpak version puts the library in a read only folder. To allow updates, I downloaded (git clone) the parts library to an accessible path, then use a script to start Fritzing, and point to that path

#! /bin/sh
flatpak run \
org.fritzing.Fritzing \
--parts "$HOME/Documents/data_files/fritzing-parts" "$@" &

I have also at various times included --env=QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb and/or --filesystem=home to work around (what seemed to be) flatpak and wayland version issues.

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