No problem, its possible the connector offset is intentional, I didn’t actually look at how far off straight they were so it may have only been a small amount and not an issue. As to the one view thing, Fritzing has some bugs and can get its parts database scrambled between views at which point the only cure is to delete the components and reinsert them (which is a pain). Completing one view completely helps with that. As to PC B view, yes as long as the gerber output (outside of Fritzing) looks OK your board should be OK even if breadboard is messed up. As noted I rarely actually make boards so some of the other folks here are a better bet for board advise, but I gather there are different versions of gerber formats and I think some differences between the various board suppliers so even with what you think are good gerbers you should try a test board (of one or a couple) from your supplier to make sure the board works before ordering a lot. As to gerber viewers I tend to use gerbv (from the Geda project) on my local machine, but thats only because I liked it best of the 2 or 3 that I tried. Again advise from the folks in here that do a lot of boards will probably be more useful.
Hey there!
I ran into the same dilema, so I decided to make my own parts.
Don’t know exactly if it is what you’re looking for but I leave the tip anyway.
Hope it helps!
Hi Stroumb
Thanks for the parts.
I am going to need some more (different) relay boards in the future and when buying parts I tend to go for whichever is the best deal on the day so its always good to have more options in my parts bin.