Help with building HmIP-MOD-OC8

So, sorry it took so long, but I now switched from Illustrator to Inkscape and learning the new GUI wasn´t that easy and took longer then expected :-(.
The main issue I had was, that I started to use Illustrator rather Inkscape, which seamed not be a good option. As you already mentioned Inkscape has some options which Illustrator is missing. So most of my past questions where “how to do that via Illustrator” which no longer apply as I will now use Inkscape :-).

So if you could have a deeper look on v0.9 if that fits now that would be brilliant.

Questions so far:

Q1: Is mostly the PCB part… I can see a keepout, outline, soldermask, copper0, copper1, silkscreen in a reference file, however I´m not sure which layers I realy need. It looks like that its not widly documented in the forum here. If I do not need most of them to order a PCB board that would be OK for me. All I could found is that here: PCB component layer names - #2 by vanepp it seamed …

Q2: Most examples have a PIN0 while Fritzing starts always with pin1. So I need to start with pin0? It seamed to be easier for me to start with 1.

Q3: I´m not sure when to use a layer and when to use a group inside Inkscape. It looks like groups seamed to be the prefered way, however fritzing seamed to accept (sometimes) both.

Changed in V 0.9 version:

HmIP-MOD-OC8_v0-9.fzpz (28.4 KB)


  • Fully rebuild in Inkscape
  • Renamed PIN correctly to connector1pin and connector1terminal
  • Sorted Elements
  • Changed Schematic to start at 0 0 (Via Inkscape Edit->select all then Edit->Resize drawing to selection)
  • Fixed the Terminal Point and set that to W,N,S,E according to the needs
  • Added/fixed the terminal “point”
  • Fixed the RedBox


  • Fully rebuild in Inkscape
  • Is now 16 columns and 8 rows in size
  • Adjustments to the XML section from the SVG file, so that the connectors can be auto detected by Fritzing
    Note: the need to start with ConnectorNummberText
  • Added/fixed the terminal “point”
  • Fixed the RedBox


  • Fully rebuild in Inkscape
  • Fixed the RedBox