Hc 05 bluetooth module search

I have searched it in latest version of fritzing but I could not get The hc 05 bluetooth anywhere. Please help me


In Fritzing 0.9.4 a search for hc 05 in the parts bin (top right window) turns up a part:

If you aren’t seeing it, try updating the parts library by clicking Help->Check for updates which should load the current parts repository from github if yours is not up to date.


I downloaded it today


  • I searched it in fritzing.


Funny thing, I was just about to post up a fixed upped HC-05.

The HC-05 Bluetooth breakout included in fritzing 0.9.3 doesn’t work correctly in the breadboard view. It doesn’t line up correctly with the grid and the pin spacing is off.

I’ll post my fixed up file in a new post and add a link back here to that post…


Here’s a link to my post with my HC-05 part:

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