If you change the font size to 300% you get something that works a bit better, but it ruins the rest of your life.
But if you do, dont forget you can zoom out of web pages to make them readable by using ctrl + mouse wheel. It wont let you read the rest of your system, or anything else you run, and your menus, bookmarks, and browser tabs will be unreadable, but at least you will have web browsing and fritzing.
Zoom out to 67% for a readable browser with 300% font size.
[EDIT - It turns out you need to set your font size to 300% AFTER you open fritzing.
With font size at 300 I closed fritzing, then reopened it, and the fonts were too small to read again.
Everyone I know runs a retina screen (standard apple or pretty much any big pc screen), so this must have put off a lot of people from using this product.
I was ready to give up on it.]
Fritzing now looks like this (interestingly it looks like the parts images are being treated like fonts)…