I had to look this one up because basically no one uses autoroute, or at least no professional uses autoroute. Autoroute only autoroutes ratsnest(dashed) lines.
Autoroute was invented in the 80’s when each layer of a board only had traces running in one direction, ie top layer all East to West, bottom all North to south, which is simple enough that someone invented an autorouter to do it. Now that no one uses that method anymore, autoroute is pretty much redundant. Maybe that $80K software has a decent autorouter, but you can guarantee that most of the complicated boards you will see are all manually routed - expensive programs have a push trace feature to make manual routing faster -, and that probably includes your PCs motherborad.
Experts will buy $10K of Altium software but will manually route everything, because they can do a better job than $10K of autoroute.
Basically don’t use autoroute.